About the Training - The Pascha Way
The training will be suitable for those who are wanting to work in an intuitive capacity with people through many modalities of therapy and healing. This includes bodywork and physical therapies, areas of health and well-being, massage, physiotherapy, osteopathy etc, emotional growth and healing, counseling, mental health and balance, spiritual support and guidance, guiding and supporting others in their lives, while also fulfilling a wonderful sense of purpose in your own. You will learn how to develop your own skills and abilities, strengthening your connection to yourself and your relationships with others. Your life work and purpose will become clear to you during and by the end of this course, giving meaning to your growth and way of being in this world.​
If you are ready for a life changing experience of Yourself, then you will set a course towards a fulfilling career in service of human life and spirit.

You will receive support in developing confidence in your intuitive ability. You will be encouraged to commit to practices that support the work you want to do and benefit your overall life and well-being. You will learn how to develop business practices that ensure growth and prosperity. Creating cards and brochures that reflect your energy and ability. Graduates will be recognised with a New Zealand Association of Intuitive and Pascha Therapist Certificate.
The Pascha Therapy Training will challenge you in your growth and development. You will be encouraged to let go of old ways of living, embracing the willingness to trust yourself and listen to your inner self. Following an aware path of action and response to life and others, you will gain confident knowledge to support working intuitively with others and within your own life.
We receive many applications for the training but numbers are limited to ensure maximum benefit to individuals. We ask that trainees are committed to completing the training year and to their obligation to pay course fees in accordance to the chosen payment option, or better. We do not refund if you do not continue the training year.
It is our hope and wish that this training will support you in all areas of your life. Whether you wish to develop your current areas of work and life further or grow into service as a Human Guide, you will receive the necessary support to be all that you have in potential to be.
The New Zealand Association of Intuitive and Pascha Therapists (NZAIPT)
The NZAIPT has been established as a legal governing body to support both practitioners and clients. This Association upholds and represents the standards for Pascha Therapists to be supported by and work within.

Your Teachers
Yasmeen draws from a foundation of deep personal, professional and spiritual knowledge in her guidance and teaching of these classes. Her unique life gives her deep experience and insight into spiritual and human learning and growth. Her intuitive and spiritual abilities have been conscious since birth. Yasmeen teaches from the knowledge gained through her relationship with Raman Pascha over the past 24 years and her own intuitive experience of life.
Pascha Therapist Pascha Way Training Facilitated by Yasmeen Clark
Jonathan has been working, assisting and training alongside Yasmeen and Raman for the past 16 years. During this time he has learned intimately the path of an Intuitive Therapist and brings personal experience and anecdote to support and assist the growth and learning of trainees.
Pascha Therapist Pascha Way Training Assisted by Jonathan Spark

The NZAIPT Teacher Trainee Programme requires that, as part of their training, teacher trainees will be present most days during the year 1 training, in a supportive and educational role. They also attend years 2 and 3 combined training days and allocate year 2 training dates in the 4th term.
Teacher Trainees
Our Assistant Teachers draw from at least four years training, plus their own private practice as Intuitive Therapists to work in a supportive role alongside Yasmeen and Jonathan, while providing individual supervision and running supervision groups for trainees.
Assistant Teachers
Year One
You will learn to understand ‘feelings’, yours and others; knowing what is felt, what it means and how to respond. Your relationship with your self, your feelings and intuition will be strengthened as you learn how to deeply listen to yourself.

Year One Pascha Therapist Training is a foundation year for developing conscious intuitive awareness and ability. This teaches a clear understanding of how intuition works. Developing conscious intuition as being different to instinctual intuition.
The Pascha Method is taught as the foundation of Intuitive awareness therapy and work. Year One training is suitable for people interested in strengthening their intuitive ability in working with others or simply for themselves. Most people know why they want to be a Pascha Therapist by the end of the first years training and how they want to use it.
The Pascha Method supports all modalities of working with people from massage, counseling, nursing, business etc. All areas of life are strengthened with a confident sense of knowing and responding to your life and work.
This first year training requires students to be open to developing a strong understanding of themselves, their feelings, emotions, strengths and abilities. You do not need to know you want to be a Pascha Therapist to complete Year One, as your growth through the year will reveal to you a much clearer understanding of your Soul’s purpose, nature and desire.
In this first year you will learn about the language of your feelings and intuition. You will be asked to begin putting into practice living intuitively within your own life and working honestly with what this asks of you. This year is going to ask you to really get to know yourself and through this you will develop clear understanding of your intuition and the power it can have on yours and others lives. This training is a mixture of interactive, practical and teacher based learning with assignments given throughout the training.
You will receive comprehensive written notes to study throughout the year. Your training progress is assessed throughout the year, with test questions at the end of the course.
There are training supervision group evenings throughout the year to support you and your growth. These are a part of your training. Supervision supports your needs and is an opportunity to attend to things that may arise through your training.
At the conclusion of the first years training you are invited to put your profile on the NZAIPT website free of charge for 12 months. This supports you putting your services out into a public arena, letting people know who you are and what you offer.
You will also receive your first year’s membership to the NZAIPT free of charge. A quarterly NZAIPT newsletter will be sent to you to let you know of up coming events and the Annual General Meeting. You may be considered an associate member of the NZAIPT (AMNZAIPT) and title yourself a Pascha Therapist Trainee at the end of your first year for the purposes of achievement, your business cards and brochures etc.
Year One Training Content
Hours of Training
Year One commences in February through to November, within school terms. Generally two Tuesday evenings and one Saturday per month. Supervision group is one Monday evening per month and included as part of your training package.
Online Training Course
It is also possible to do the training via an Online curriculum that mirrors the course that has run in person for many years.
This will make it possible to do the course in your own time and overseas, along with regular Zoom meetings to answer your questions and offer support.
Please contact us for further information.
Year Two
Welcome to the beginning of your Pascha Therapist Soul Care Training.

Training in Year Two develops your role more deeply as an Intuitive Practitioner. There is the potential to become an accredited Pascha Therapist, which gives acknowledgement of your commitment to living and working intuitively. You will be supported and encouraged to develop your Intuitive abilities to gain confidence within yourself, along with gaining confidence in working with others.
Year two teaches the awareness of Universal energy and how this works to support you. You will develop a more conscious spiritual approach to your life, including a greater relationship with spiritual guides. Areas explored in your training will include grief, relationships, childhood and spirituality. You will also be taught how to develop a spiritual business practice.
Year Two Training Content
Hours of Training
The second year commences in February through to November within school terms. Generally one Tuesday evening and one Saturday per month. Supervision group is one Monday evening per month and included as part of your training package.
Online Training Course
It is also possible to do the training via an Online curriculum that mirrors the course that has run in person for many years.
This will make it possible to do the course in your own time and overseas, along with regular Zoom meetings to answer your questions and offer support.
Please contact us for further information.
Year Three
Welcome to the beginning of your Pascha Therapist Advanced Soul Care Training.

Training in Year Three is for those who are committed toward becoming and practicing as a full time Pascha Therapist, and or using your intuition in a professional capacity.
Year Three teaches awareness of the growth and development an individual is experiencing and working through in their life; at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. This gives a comprehensive understanding of needs at a soul level as well as in human life.
Training in Year Three takes a deeper step in understanding the dynamics in all relationships, grief, childhood, and spirituality. There will be three days during the training year that Years Two and Three combine which gives hands on awareness of supporting others in their growth and development.
Year Three Training Content
Hours of Training
The third year is comprised training commencing in February through to November. Generally one Tuesday evening and one Saturday within school terms. Supervision group is one Monday evening per month and included as part of your training package.
Online Training Course
It is also possible to do the training via an Online curriculum that mirrors the course that has run in person for many years.
This will make it possible to do the course in your own time and overseas, along with regular Zoom meetings to answer your questions and offer support.
Please contact us for further information.
Year Four
Welcome to the beginning of your Pascha Therapist Soul Care Career Training.

This year you can develop your client base and learn how to own your ability to support people and market this in the world. You will discover what holds you back or blocks this, and you will discover what to own and develop more so that you can engage the energy to manifest the work you wish to do.
You will refresh and deepen your use of the Pascha Method - 4 A’s. Taking this into ways of supporting strong feelings and issues. Particularly depression and anxiety.
You will experience a deeper way of working with Your Intuition and Spirit. Both to guide others and receive the guidance you may need in supporting others.
Overall you will learn how to strengthen your own abilities and develop further those things you hold as natural talent within. Understanding the Soul Journey that others are on and living can bring a clear awareness that guides healing and acknowledgement of the Self/Soul in our life.
We look forward in welcoming you to this Year Four Practitioner Training Year. Even if you have been working with clients for a while, you will discover a new way of seeing yourself in this work over the coming year.
Year Four Training Content
Hours of Training
Year Four commences in February through to November, within school terms. Generally two Tuesday evenings and one Saturday per month. Supervision group is one Monday evening per month and included as part of your training package.
Online Training Course
It is also possible to do the training via an Online curriculum that mirrors the course that has run in person for many years.
This will make it possible to do the course in your own time and overseas, along with regular Zoom meetings to answer your questions and offer support.
Please contact us for further information.
Further Training
Upon completion of the Third Year of Training. Alternative options of training are available.

Individual Graduate Training
For those who have completed the Pascha Training three Year course there is now available individual appointments in person or via Skype to support your on going development. This personal supported course over the year will build your energy and condence to grow your work as a Pascha Therapist and feel that your life is reecting your growth and healing. You can live from a place of positively connecting in with your feelings, your heart and your soul. Achieve your goals and dreams and enjoy the results of your Pascha journey
Hours of Training
This is a Part Time course beginning on the 26th of February 2022 and ending on Saturday the 19th of November 2022.
Teacher Training
Pascha Therapist Teacher training is open to year 3 trainees who have gained accreditation and have a growing client base of work as an Pascha Therapist. This two year long course is available to interested Year Three graduates.
This will give the ability to assist with and facilitate Year One Training, progressing into an assistant teacher role in the following year progressing into facilitation of year two and three training. You will be responsible in the 2nd year assistant teacher role for supporting the training program me and holding monthly nominated supervision group for year 2 and 3 trainees. Selected trained teachers may be offered a teaching role in the year following their assistant role provided that competency and confidence requirements are met and maintained.
Prospective Teacher Trainers will need to have a good practicing Intuitive Therapist client base and be confidently fluent in the intuitive feeling process.