Enrolment Information
- The Pascha Way Course
Important Training Information
It is a requirement before registration that all interested person’s talk with Yasmeen before submitting their registration. This is to ensure that this course will support their individual needs adequately.
This can occur at the introduction evening held in November or at a prearranged time.
A registration form is made available at either of these meetings.
This is a limited numbers course that draws a lot of interest, so early registration is recommended.
Ownership and Use of Pascha Therapies Ltd Material
Pascha Therapies limited owns the intellectual property rights in material used in its courses. Trainees may not:
reproduce Pascha Therapies Limited material in any form;
record any course teachings with any electronic or digital recording device;
reproduce their handwritten course notes in any form; except with PTL’s express written permission.
Trainees shall keep confidential: All information of a personal, sensitive or confidential nature disclosed by other trainees or PTL staff during a course; and the identity of clients and all information received from clients during any client training sessions.
The collection, use, storage, disclosure a correction of personal information by Pascha Therapies Ltd and the New Zealand Association of Intuitive and Pascha Therapists is governed by The Privacy Act 2020.
In our time we have made the change of our practitioner title: moving from the generic Intuitive Therapist to the specific Pascha Therapist.
We feel this new title acknowledges the tradition of the training path more clearly, the origins being Yasmeen’s teacher, Raman Pascha, The Master Khamouri. In ancient Persia, a Pascha was a spiritual advisor or guide. This training empowers you in the tradition of the spiritual human guide. Your consciously developed intuition along with the Pascha Method being the foundation of this.
Pascha Origins