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Course Introduction from Yasmeen

Writer: Pascha Pascha

When I decided to introduce an intuition based therapy training in 2003, it was in response to the need I saw for a more empowered form of supporting people in their life path, and a desire to encourage others to trust what they felt and knew to be right for themselves. Therefore avoiding the confusion of solely mind-based decision making when feelings are conflicting. Something that all people know and feel, yet often struggle to trust or believe in; basing decisions and self support on what others do or believe they should do, instead of following their own dreams and goals.

The courage needed to follow what we know is right for us comes from knowing what we are feeling and why. This is a feelings centered focus instead of a mind based analytical approach to life and the challenges that people face in their daily lives.

I have long held a desire to bring the understanding of intuition into a more mainstream and accepted area of human life, to see it as a natural part of who we are as human beings and be guided and supported by this ability in all areas of life. Now years later we have a firmly established curriculum for the development of intuitive ability in a professional therapy, as well as enhancing the personal lives of trainees. This creates a logical and energetic connection between our heart and mind for the clarity to make changes and decisions for ourselves and others. The New Zealand Association of Intuitive and Pascha Therapists is the governing body to support and regulate all members. We now have a number of practicing Pascha Therapists who are using their skills and abilities to assist others. Many have other professional roles that their enhanced intuitive ability is making a great difference in and therefore the lives of others around them is also supported. Each year there is a growing number of Pascha Therapist teachers trained to support the course content, trainees and graduates.

It is my hope and wish that this training will support you in all areas of your life. Whether you wish to develop your current areas of work and life further or grow into service as a Human Guide, you will receive the necessary support to be all that you have potential to be.

I look forward to welcoming you into this training. May you feel embraced by the NZAIPT community of Pascha Therapists.

Yours Sincerely,

Yasmeen Clark x

Principal Teacher President NZAIPT


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